Tabs are coming to Ivirius Text Editor

Insider news

We added tabs to the Ivirius Text Editor in the latest build. This feature simplifies multitasking by compressing secondary windows into a tabbed page, which makes it easier to use. This feature isn't guaranteed to be included in version, but it is very possible to be added.

Latest experimental build - Tabs with partial functionality

Latest experimental build - Tabs on light theme

Since the addition of tabs is a very big step to make, the update will be divided into two separate versions:

Version - Experimental phase - the tabs will not have full functionalities, so you won't be able to open a file in a new tab by file explorer, tabs can't be dragged or dropped outside the window, and there are a few bugs regarding tab creation and deletion, they don't have themes and the tab creation option is experimental. If you don't want to use it, you don't have to.

Version - Full release - the tabs will be fully functional, they will be created on app startup, they will sync with the app's theme, they won't have bugs, hopefully, and they will be generally stable.

If you find any bugs regarding tabs, please contact us on the contact page.

The experimental version details can be found in the Ivirius Hub.

The addition of tabs is something that has been requested by a user, so please choose your preference. If you vote, you can change the purpose of this update:


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